Your new walkway or entrance canopy will be installed by our on-site technicians, with extra care to ensure you’re happy with the angles and positioning of your latest addition.

Large outdoor walkways can be customized with extended walkway canopies that shield you and your customers from the rain in sun as you enter a building, walk between areas, or wait outside. A walkway entrance canopy is a great way to add stylish protection from the weather. Whether you’re trying to create a custom designed canopy with a major visual effect or have something pre-engineered and simple that serves as an aesthetically pleasing weather protection feature, you can be sure that all of our walkway canopies will be built with exact precision, including placement of gutters and downspouts.

All fabric walkway canopies are constructed of a structurally welded aluminum frame with a variety of frame finish options, welded seams and a warranty. Our covered walkways and walkway canopies are formed from a highly durable design in order to withstand any type of environment.  Using either a welded steel or bolt-together system, the structures are painted using a highly durable, exterior rated powder coating for extra protection against the elements. Canopies can fit a number of unique projects and covered walkways can be utilized to create a weather-protected path on the ground level, on an elevated platform, or even to cover a stair system.

Please use this form to request your quote or call us any time – we’re looking forward to serving you!